Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Anger Management For Dummies

credit:  Anger Management for Dummies
I am having trouble controlling my thoughts and my mouth right now.  I think it's because I keep adding things to do to my platter and it's overflowing.

I am yelling at my husband and the hormones are just going crazy.  I wasn't like this before the change of life.  There are many things that I do not like about being 53.  But the most concerning is my anger and outbursts. 

My therapist has recommended this book that I am now reading, Anger Manangement for Dummies.   I'm going to share some of the reading from the book and a "cheatsheet" lol.

Specifics of the book
Author:W. Doyle Gentry
ISBN: 978-0-470-03715-7
384 pages
December 2006
US $19.99 Add to Cart This price is valid for United States. Change location to view local pricing and availability.
Other Available Formats: E-book
" If your anger, or that of a loved one, is out of control and threatening your life and livelihood, you need the calm, clear, and understanding help you’ll find in Anger Management For Dummies. This concise and practical guidebook shares specific anger management methods, skills, and exercises that will help you identify the sources of your anger and release yourself from their grip. You’ll find out how to:
  • Defuse your anger before it strikes
  • Express your feelings calmly
  • Respond rather than react
  • Prevent anger incidents in the future
  • Release healthy anger in a healthy way
  • Confess your anger in a journal
  • Use anger constructively
  • Get beyond old anger through forgiveness
Complete with coverage of road rage, air rage, office rage, and dealing with angry children, Anger Management for Dummies gives you the tools you need to overcome your anger and live a happier, more productive life."

Author Information
W. Doyle Gentry, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and Director of the Institute for Anger-Free Living in Lynchburg, Virginia. He is a Fellow in the American Psychological Association and was the Founding Editor of the Journal of Behavioral Medicine. In Dr. Gentry’s four-decade career as a scientist-practitioner, he has authored over 100 publications, including eight books, and is a pioneer in the fields of health psychology, behavioral medicine, and anger management. He has previously served on the faculty of Duke University Medical Center and the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston. Gentry has conducted training seminars for lay and professional audiences throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. He has also served as a consultant to major industry, where he specializes in conflict management, team building, and health promotion. Articles referring to Dr. Gentry’s work on anger regularly appear in a variety of contemporary magazines, and he is frequently interviewed on radio and television for insights into how to create and maintain an anger-free life. He is the author of two earlier self-help books on anger: ANGER-FREE: Ten Basic Steps to Managing Your Anger (Quill, 2000) and When Someone You Love Is Angry (Berkley, 2004)

Here's a great CHEAT SHEET to help you learn the principles of the book:  http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/anger-management-for-dummies-cheat-sheet.html

I am trying a breathing practice that has recently been shared with me and others from my friend,  Peggy Bell Nolan "Today we are Mastering the Art of Self-Control. I hope you stop by and share how you've been able to practice self-control or if you haven't, the five tips I have may help you learn to master it! http://thestepmomstoolbox.com/mastering-self-control/

I've also committed this to God and am praying more often.  I know that there is only so much we can do to control our hormones, only so much we can get from life coaches and therapists and even our own relationship with God.  We take this in (as I'm doing now with the reading) and then put to practice what we are learning.

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