Saturday, January 7, 2012

Did you make New Year's Resolutions for 2012?

How are you doing with those New Year's Resolutions?  Every year I "resolve to not make any New Year's Resolutions" but this year I did.  I said that I wanted to read more and blog more.  Well so far I'm doing much better than I did last year but I need to read more in my books and less on the Internet about books.  I also read a number of Christian blogs and am so amazed at the wonderful writing!  I love to read Christian articles too and today I read one that I'm going to share.

Today I came across one that is called, "Be It Resolved."   He starts out with "What are your feelings about New Year's Resolutions? For that matter, what is your feeling about the concept of a "New Year"? The New Year celebration was, after all, celebrated at the vernal equinox (March 20 in 2012) until the Middle Ages. That actually makes some sense to me, since the vernal equinox is the first day of spring! Ah, but history isn't the point here.  The point is resolutions. Do you make resolutions for whatever you mark as New Year's Day? Have they been so vexing for you in the past that you have given up on them? Life occasionally requires resolutions — nothing more nor less than a plan to change something — to accommodate our proneness to err! Even if not as change but as renewed promises, what about these for 2012? "  

And then he lists a number of RESOLVEDS.  They are tremendous! 

I'm still resolving to read more and blog more.  How much more I'll read in a day and how much more I'll blog is not known yet.  But I've got my eye on a group of bloggers called, Faithful Blogging.  I joined the newsletter for the group but haven't made that commitment yet to blog daily.  So that's what I'll be working on and towards.  Being a faithful blogger in the New Year!
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