Read ALL the way through this to understand, thanks so much for visiting and commenting!
All you have to do is wow us with your creativity & wit!
For this week, we have a mass of Pooh Bears in Poland. So...give us a caption!
Your comment is needed on this blog entry,by Friday 11:59pm PT;
Voting is by your fellow FB peers, vote by "liking" your fav;
will be announced Monday, 11am PT July 1 Lay caption comedy on us, baby!
Rules: 1. USA members only
Terms: We can't announce winners on My FaceBook Fan Page or do the contest there so every answer should be a reply to THIS blog entry.
I don't have anonymous accepted in my blog so it will show your name when you reply. Thanks!
The announcement for the Fans to vote and you too will be a new blog entry entry here on Saturday with your comments and your name or initials (if you want privacy).
Have the best time ever in being witty or getting your friend or significant other to help you! Yay!
Sarah, you KNEW I was coming as Winnie the Poo - how could you?