Hi Ladies! Sunday's are the Day of Worship and Praise! I'm a shut in (meaning I can't get out of the house to go to my regular church right now) so what I do on this day is listen to some online messages from pastors that I know from college who are online and give sermons in the written word or an online message. So I'm going to share some with you and then give you a general link where you can find so many messages that might suit what you are looking for on this day. I hope this is helpful to you!
Messages Online that I would recommend:
1. Weekly Sermons by Pastor Rudy... many selections for you! Please click HERE. This is audio.
2. Text sermons by Dr. Lehman Strauss... please click HERE.
3. Wide selection of messages by Dr. Lehman Strauss.... please click HERE. This is audio.
4. Wide selection of audio messages by various speakers (I do not know all of these speakers so this is a general selection of many.) Please click HERE