99.9% GermFree, 100% Cool Mist
The V3900 Vicks® Cool Mist
GermFree Humidifier kills up to 99.9% of germs, bacteria, and mold in
the water prior to producing a cool mist. In addition, you also can add
in the soothing relief of Vicks vapors. In other words, if better
breathing is your objective, you just might have found a cooler,
GermFree answer.
Package Information:
- Three-year warranty
- Uses VSP-19 Vicks Scent Pads or new Sleepy Time VapoPads; one sample Scent Pad is included.
- Kaz Protec WF2 Filter (included) removes impurities from water.
Download the V3900 Vicks Cool Mist GermFree Humidifier product manual (PDF).
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I am so happy that I was given the opportunity to try out this Honeywell Vicks Cool Mist GermFree Humidifier! I deal with so many allergies year-round that this was the best humidifier for me. The last time I had one was when I was a child for many years and then I didn't use one as the allergies seemed to clear up with the use of medication. After being married I wanted to use more natural ways to ease my allergies and that is when I was able to receive (for free with the intended purpose of writing a review) this machine! It did wonders for me all winter long. I will need it again in the summer-fall when the Santa Ana winds come to the beach. The air is filled with dirt and sand that just blows around all day and night.
I love how big the tank is. It will last all night and through the next day (running it periodically, not constantly) and it is really easy to fill with a large handle to help you carry it.
I also love that it plugs into the wall and then has an off setting, low, med, and high settings as well. The high really gets things going and the low one doesn’t seem like it does much. The medium one is what I run most of the time.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
A humidifier is a household appliance that increases humidity (moisture) in a single room or in the entire house. There are point-of-use humidifiers, which are commonly used to humidify a single room, and whole-house or furnace humidifiers, which connect to a home's HVAC system to provide humidity to the entire house.
The most common humidifier, an "evaporative", "cool mist", or "wick humidifier", consists of just a few basic parts: a reservoir, wick and fan.
The wick is a filter that absorbs water from the reservoir and provides a larger surface area for it to evaporate from. The fan is adjacent to the wick and blows air onto the wick to aid in the evaporation of the water. Evaporation from the wick is dependent on relative humidity. A room with low humidity will have a higher evaporation rate compared to a room with high humidity. Therefore, this type of humidifier is self-regulating: As the humidity of the room increases, the water vapor output naturally decreases. These wicks become moldy if they are not dried out completely between fillings, and become filled with mineral deposits over time. They regularly need rinsing or replacement—if this does not happen, air cannot pass through them, and the humidifier stops humidifying the area it is in and the water in the tank remains at the same level.
When winter hits, people go inside for warmth and turn on their furnaces. The artificial heat does more than warm a room. It dries out the room. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, making the room more comfortable.
Everyone, young, old, male and female, will at some point in their
lives, have problems breathing through their nose. These breathing
problems could be related to a medical condition that requires
medication or even surgery. The breathing problems could be related to
something simple, such as dry air. Either way, for most people, it seems
that the nose stuffiness worsens at night.
How Humidifiers Work:
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How Humidifiers Work:
Moistens Dry Skin
Your skin loses moisture when the air is dry. You already know this if you have eczema, as your flareups are probably worse in the winter, when the furnace is on. Place a humidifier in the room or rooms you use most frequently to keep your skin supple and any eczema symptoms minimal.
Unplugs the Nose
Running a humidifier at night can alleviate your stuffy nose during the winter and even eliminate the nosebleeds caused by dry air. Artificial heat dries out the nasal passages. A humidifier puts moisture back in the air, giving your nose the conditioning it needs.
Saves Money
A humid home feels warmer than a home with dry air. On average, a home that is running its furnace has an interior humidity of 20 percent. If you move up the humidity to 40 percent, you will feel warmer. This means that you can turn your heater down and see a smaller utility bill next month.
Eases Cold Symptoms
Winter means cold and flu season, and one of the worst parts of a cold is the stuffy nose and tickling cough that keeps you up at night. Eucalyptus, or menthol, is a natural decongestant. Placing three to nine drops of eucalyptus essential oil in your humidifier tank will diffuse this healing plant's scent into the room and relieve your cold symptoms, giving you a better night's sleep without the use of drugs.
I plan to add to this review at the end of fall to share how I survived through the Santa Ana winds and allergies.
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