Sunday, July 17, 2011

My CVS TRIP today! Super Savings!

My CVS trip today!  Here's what we bought:

M&M's  (2/$6.00) with a coupon for $.75/2
GAIN ($11.66)  I had the TIDE coupon and they didn't have any TIDE   :o(
SCOTT paper towels ($4.44) and I sent the wrong coupon   :o(
COTONELLE toilet paper ($9.99) and no coupon   :o(
DURACELL regular came with a glue stick (scrapbooking!)  ($5.99) and a coupon for $.75/1
DURACELL rechargeable ($5.99) and a coupon for $1.50/1

We spent the $30.00 to get a FREE $10.00 GAS CARD

Total:  $52.10
Saved:  $21.66

The paper towels and toilet paper went to the STOCKPILE (it's growing now.!  2 shelves are filled will have to clear off the top shelf for more now) 

Remember, we are ETHICAL COUPONERS... we don't buy it unless it's something we regularly buy.  We don't buy what we don't use, don't clear shelves, but we use our coupons and save!   The M&M's are for my husband for being the coupon clipper!
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